VIDEO: Fire Behavior in Untreated vs. Treated Areas
VIDEO: Understanding Wildfire Behavior
Development of Vegetation and Surface Fuels Following Fire Hazard Reduction Treatment
How big is enough? Vegetation structure impacts effective fuel treatment width and forest resiliency
Fuel treatment effectiveness in California yellow pine and mixed conifer forests
Low-intensity fires mitigate the risk of high-intensity wildfires in California’s forests
Reducing the Vulnerability of Buildings to Wildfire: Vegetation and Landscaping Guidance _UC ANR
CALFIRE Defensible Space Information
UCANR Building to Coexist with Fire: Community Risk Development for New Development in California
Is your home protected from wildfire disaster? A homeowners’ guide to wildfire retrofit
Ignition of mulch and grasses by firebrands in wildland–urban interface fires
Firebrand generation from burning vegetation
Experimental investigations of firebrands: generation and ignition of fuel beds
Investigating the vulnerabilities of structures to ignition from a firebrand attack
Quantifying the vulnerabilities of ceramic tile roofing assemblies to ignition during a firebrand attack
Ecological foundations for fire management in North American forest and shrubland ecosystems
Landscape fuel treatment effects on wildfire hazard, California spotted owl habitat, and forest carbon
Determining The Ecological Effects of Fire Suppression, Fuels Treatment, And Wildlife Through Bird Monitoring in The Klamath Ecoregion of Southern Oregon and Northern California
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2016. Status Review of the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in CA
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2021. California Natural Diversity Database Northern spotted owls: Influence of prey base and landscape character
Webinar: Lessons Learned in the Sierra: Owls, Land Stewardship, and Wildfire (Speaker Dr. Brandon Collins)
Video: Temporal Trends in Wildlife Response to the 2017 Tubbs Fire at Pepperwood
Fire in California's Ecosystems (Book) - Fire and California Vegetation (Chapter 1)
Chapter 4: Northern Spotted Owl Habitat and Populations: Status and Threats. General Technical Report
Marin Audubon Society. 2021. Conservation: Northern Spotted Owl
Marin County Spotted Owls: Science, Good Management, and Good Neighbors = Healthy Owl Population
Forest Management Effects on Abundance of Woodrats in Northern California
Habitat Characterization and House Usage of the Dusky-Footed Woodrat at Jasper Ridge. Stanford University
Habitat associations of dusky-footed woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes) in mixed-conifer forest of the northern Sierra Nevada
Dusky-Footed Woodrat Abundance in Different-Aged Forests in Northwestern California
Thinning Effects on Spotted Owl Prey and Other Forest-Dwelling Small MammalsEstimating the Effects of Auditory and Visual Disturbance to Norther Spotted Owls and Marbled Murrelets in Northwestern California. USFWS Memo.
Habitat Selection by Northern Spotted Owls: The Consequences of Prey Selection and Distribution
General Biology of Major Prey Species of the California Spotted OwlInfluence of Primary Prey on Home-Range Size and Habitat-Use Patterns of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina)Protocols for Surveying and Evaluating Impacts to Special-Status Native Plant Populations and Sensitive Natural Communities
The Grasses and Grasslands of Marin and Sonoma CountiesImpacts of different land management histories on forest change Long-term effects of tan oak competition on Douglas-fir stand development
Fire regimes & vegetation responses in two Mediterranean-climate regions Testing a basic assumption of shrubland fire management: how important is fuel age? Managing fire-prone forests in the western United States Northern Coastal Scrub and Coastal Prairie In Terrestrial Vegetation of California Drivers of Diversity in Woody Plant Lineages Experiencing Canopy Fire Regimes in Mediterranean Type Climate
Maritime Chaparral (One Tam)
Maritime climate influence on chaparral composition and diversity in the coast range of central California Maritime climate influence on chaparral composition and diversity in the coast range of central California
Video: Prescribed Goat Grazing for Wildland Management
Grazing Feasibility Study for the Mt. Tamalpais Watershed. Marin Municipal Water District, California
Ungulate preference for burned patches reveals strength of fire–grazing interaction
With 7,000 Sheep and Goats, This Mother-Daughter Team Is Playing a Part in California’s Fight Against Wildfires
Targeted Grazing: A natural approach to vegetation management and landscape enhancement
Grazing for Biodiversity in California Mediterranean Grasslands
Grazing Maintains Native Plant Diversity and Promotes Community Stability in an Annual Grassland
Grazing Handbook: A Guide for Resource Managers in Coastal California
Hydrologic impact of grazing on infiltration: A critical review
Livestock Grazing Supports Native Plants and Songbirds in a California Annual Grassland
Recent Perspectives in Using Goats for Vegetation Management in the USA
Fire Versus Grazing as Tools to Restore Serpentine Grasslands Under Global Change
Grazing Management on California’s Mediterranean Grasslands
Goat Grazing as a Wildfire Prevention Tool: A Basic Review
Planned herbivory in the management of wildfire fuels
The wildland–urban interface problem – current approaches and research needs
Preventing disaster: home ignitability in the wildland–urban interface
Assessing fire risk in the wildland–urban interface
The wildland–urban interface fire problem: A Consequence of the Fire Exclusion Paradigm
Expansion of the US wildland–urban interface
Fuel treatments at the wildland–urban interface: common concerns in diverse regions
The wildland–urban interface in the United States
UCANR Home Survival in Wildfire-Prone Areas: Building Materials and Design Concerns
As Wildfire Risk Increases, Home Insurance Is Harder to Find
UCANR Getting a Handle on Broom
UCANR Yellow Starthistle Management for home gardeners and professionals
Inventory of invasive, non-native plants that threaten natural areas in California
Invasion of Maritime Chaparral by the Introduced Succulent Carpobrotus edulis
Invasive Species Management and Ecosystem Restoration – two sides of the same coin
Grazing of pasture weeds by goats and sheep. 2. Scotch broom (Cystisus scoparius L.)
Native Species Response to Goat Foraging in a Shrub-Invaded California Coastal Grassland
Recovery and Viability of Seeds Ingested by Goats
The Variable Invasive Success of Cortaderia Species in a Complex Landscape
Fire Management Impacts on Invasive Plants in the Western United States
UC IPM Pest Notes: Brooms. UC ANR
Controlled Grazing on Annual Grasslands Decreases Yellow Star Thistlex
Fuel breaks affect non-native species abundance in Californian plant communities
The use of shaded fuelbreaks in landscape fire management
Operational resilience in western US frequent-fire forests (North)
Development of vegetation and surface fuels following fire hazard reduction treatment
Maritime climate influence on chaparral composition and diversity in the coast range of central California
Fuel Treatment for Forest Resilience and Climate Mitigation: A critical review for coniferous forests of California
Restoration thinning enhances growth and diversity in mixed redwood/Douglas-fir stands in northern California, U.S.A.: Redwood ecosystem responses to restoration thinning
Fuelbreaks for wildland fire management: a moat or a drawbridge for ecosystem fire restoration?
UCANR Forest Stewardship Series: Wildfire and Fuel Management Assessing factors that influence landscape fuels treatment effectiveness
The Response of California Black Oak (Quercus kelloggii) to Ashland Forest Resiliency Fuels Treatments
Assessing the effectiveness of landscape fuel treatments on fire growth and behavior
Modifying wildfire behavior – the effectiveness of fuel treatments, the status of our knowledge.
Science basis for changing forest structure to modify wildfire behavior and severity
Investigation of bushfire attack mechanisms resulting in house loss in the ACT bushfire 2003
Relating flame radiation to home ignition using modeling and experimental crown fires
Community-scale fire spread. In ‘Proceedings of the California 2001 Wildfire Conference: 10 Years after the 1991 East Bay Hills Fire
Effects of fuel treatments on fire severity in an area of wildland–urban interface, Angora Fire, Lake Tahoe Basin, California
Housing arrangement and vegetation factors associated with single-family home survival in the 2018 Camp Fire, California
What can we learn from the 14,000 homes lost during the Camp Fire?
Home destruction examination: Grass Valley Fire, Lake Arrowhead, California. USDA Forest Service
The 2017 North Bay and Southern California Fires: A Case Study
Angora fire: burning homes, not crown fire, fueled an urban conflagration
A case study of a community affected by the Witch and Guejito fires
A Socio-Ecological Approach to Mitigating Wildfire Vulnerability in the Wildland Urban Interface: A Case Study from the 2017 Thomas Fire
Modeling when, where, and how to manage a forest epidemic, motivated by sudden oak death in California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Unexpected redwood mortality from synergies between wildfire and an emerging infectious disease
An emergent disease causes directional changes in forest species composition in coastal California
Is stump sprout treatment necessary to effectively control Phytophthora ramorum in California’s wildlands?
Wildfire and forest disease interaction lead to greater loss of soil nutrients and carbon
Video: ESP MWPA Prescribed Fire Discussion Panel 11/16/2021
Video: Why These Californians Are Starting Fires on Purpose | On the Ground
Pepperwood Preserve Wildfire Fuel Mapper
NPS: What is a prescribed fire?
Prescribed Fire: Managing Risk & Restoring California’s Landscape (
Dusky-Footed Woodrat Demography and Prescribed Fire in a California Oak Woodland
Initial Response of Woodrats to Prescribed Burning in Oak Woodland