Before an emergency strikes, residents should subscribe to receive emergency alerts and familiarize themselves with the evacuation tools available. In an emergency, Marin officials may use multiple tools to communicate information and instructions to the community. Below are some resources to help Marin County residents prepare.
Subscribe to Alert Marin
SUBSCRIBE NOW to receive emergency alerts by phone, text message, email, and app.
Evacuation Maps: Know Your Way Out
Fire Safe Marin and many Marin fire agencies, cities, towns, and partners worked together to develop improved wildfire EVACUATION MAPS for residents. These maps can be used for residents to familiarize themselves with major routes out of neighborhoods in case of emergency.
Fire Safe Marin (FSM): Helps YOU Prepare
Fire Safe Marin offers a variety of tools and information to prepare you, your family, and your community for wildfire and evacuation. They are a nonprofit that acts as an arm of MWPA to provide outreach and education about wildfire.
Evacuation Zones: Know Your Zone
The Public Emergency Portal of Marin County connects Marin with resources to plan for and know what to do in case of an emergency. As part of the County's evacuation plan, the entire county has been divided into evacuation zones. These zones help public safety officials streamline the evacuation process to reduce confusion and help residents evacuate quickly. Visit and pull down the "Evacuation" tab, then type your address into the map to see your evacuation zone. You will be notified via Alert Marin and other means (Nixle, social media, & in-person) when your zone is placed in a warning, evacuation, or shelter-in-place status. Mobile users should CLICK HERE.
Alert Wildfire Cameras
The ALERT WILDFIRE CAMERA NETWORK is an invaluable tool for the monitoring of active wildfires and smoke.
PulsePoint App: Enabling Citizen Superheroes
The PULSEPOINT APP is integrated with emergency dispatch systems to alert willing bystanders with specialized emergency medical response skills to respond to nearby events. Users may also sign up for alerts to emergency events such as wildland fires. The Marin Fire Chief's Association pays an annual subscription to maintain PulsePoint and there are no fees for residents.
Evacuation Risk Assessment Tool
In addition to the resources referenced above intended to provide the public with the situational awareness needed to quickly respond to an emergency, MWPA has created a tool for local government agencies to use BEFORE AN EMERGENCY to identify risks to safe and timely evacuations. Please note that this tool is intended for planning purposes only and NOT for use during an emergency. Your local fire agency can answer questions about specific evacuation risks identified in this tool.