Reduce Flammable VegetationBahia HOA Defensible Space and Evacuation RoutesMarin wild fire map

Bahia HOA Defensible Space and Evacuation Routes

This project seeks to maintain existing shadedfuel breaks in the open space districts of the Bahia community of Novato. Theprogram includes mowing and pulling non-native vegetation 100 feet fromstructures in the open space located between Topaz Drive, Laguna Vista, Cerro CrestDrive, Albatross Drive, and Bugeia Lane. Each year residents are approved bythe City of Novato to cut annual grasses 100 feet from structures. This is anexisting shaded fuel break that dates back to 2002. No healthy, mature treeswill be removed under this project. Trimmings and removed vegetation will berecycled through chipping or composting at regional facilities. There are twoevacuation routes out of Bahia. The main route is located on Bahia Drive andthe secondary route is located between Albatross Drive and School Road. Theevacuation routes shall be cut back 10 feet on both sides of the roadway and 14feet vertical as needed. Phase#1 Conduct an environmental assessment and provide it to the MWPA for review. Phase#2 Based on determination from the assessment file an NOE or continue with afull CEQA review. Phase#3 Conduct bird nest, bat and wood rat surveys before mowing is implemented. Phase #4Document program with before and after photos.


Planning Phase

Approval Meeting


CEQA Documentation



Novato / PDF Map /.kmz
marin wild fire small map

Type Of Project

Shaded/ Non-shaded Fuel Break

Lead Agency