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Wildfires & Climate Change in Northern California

July 22, 2024

Marin Wildfire staff and the Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Daniel Swain for an informative conversation on wildfires and climate change in Northern California. Dr. Swain, a former San Rafael High School graduate, currently holds joint appointments as a climate scientist within UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and as a research fellow at the Capacity Center for Climate and Weather Extremes at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. He is also a California Climate Fellow at the Nature Conservancy's California chapter.

Dr. Swain and Marin Wildfire Executive Officer Mark Brown treated attendees and online listeners to a discussion focused on the impact of climate change on wildfire behavior, particularly in Marin County and the greater California Bay Area. This conversation was significant as it not only explained the scientific reasons behind the impact of climate change on wildfires, but also discussed its effects on current and emerging wildfire trends in Northern California.

Funded by Measure C, Marin Wildfire is currently at the forefront of innovative efforts to mitigate wildfire impact in Marin County. Our initiatives include local and core vegetation management projects aimed at reducing the potential for catastrophic loss, improving detection and evacuation systems, educating residents and Firewise communities to create more fire-resistant homes, and providing grant programs to assist homeowners in fire-proofing their properties. Our work continues to inform and support not only our community here in Marin but also at the state and national levels.

We invite you to watch the presentation and submit any questions or comments you might have to Below, you will find questions posed by viewers and listeners, along with answers provided by Dr. Swain and Executive Officer Brown.

Questions & Answers to Wildfires & Climate Change in Northern California Presentation

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