MWPA has released its first Annual Report detailing the major accomplishments of the 2020-21 fiscal year. From the passage of Measure C in March 2020 to launching priority countywide programs before the year’s end, the metaphor of building the airplane while flying is an apt one for the first year. Luckily, Marin County was well positioned and prepared to hit the ground running based on priorities outlined in the 2020 Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
The MWPA Board of Directors focused on setting the budget and strategic direction while the Operations and Advisory/TechnicalCommittees launched fire preparedness and prevention programs and systemized the work plan process. With 54 defensible space evaluators hired and almost 2,500 curbside pickups from our Chipper Days program, notable countywide efforts included public education from Fire Safe Marin and a focus on resident participation in the development of fire-resistant homes.
Read the full Annual Report here for more details on MWPA’s first year.
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