2025 Marin Wildfire Curbside Chipper Program
The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (Marin Wildfire) is soliciting written proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide chipping service for its event-based, curbside chipping program serving residents within the Marin Wildfire jurisdiction.
The project scope, content of proposal, and vendor selection process are summarized in the RFP. Interested firms should email proposals to Steven Peters at speters@marinwildfire.org.
Proposals must be received no later than 5:00pm PST on 03/07/2025.
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To assist Marin County residents with their defensible space efforts, the Chipper Day Program offers free curbside pickup and disposal of excess vegetation from residential properties. The purpose of the program is to provide assistance with the process of removal and disposal of hazardous vegetation to residents. Activities include the chipping and transportation of vegetation from properties within MWPA’s jurisdiction as well as assisting MWPA member agencies in vegetation management projects that are in-line with the core mission of the program. Chipper Day programs operate on a seasonal basis and are approved annually in the MWPA Work Plans.
Residents can visit the MWPA Chipper Days webpage to reserve service and find out when a Chipper Day is scheduled for a given neighborhood. A chipper will then visit their property to chip and remove vegetation that homeowners have cut, gathered, and piled by the roadside. Online Pre-registration is required.
More information can be found on the Fire Safe Marin website.