Camp Tamarancho Fuel Reduction and Community Protection Project

The Camp Tamarancho Fuel Reduction and Community Protection Project includes vegetation management within up to 410 acres northwest of the Town of Fairfax. This land is used by the Boy Scouts of America to host both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. The Marin County Fire Department will reduce risk to campers and the adjacent community by reducing fire fuels in the area, particularly adjacent to facilities and along roadways. This work is funded through a generous grant from CAL FIRE and funding through Measure C and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority. The Project Specific Analysis was completed 2023 under the California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP).

Relevant Projects



Approval Meeting

July 18, 2024

CEQA Documentation

Project Specific Analysis (PSA)
Project Specific Analysis (PSA)Notice of Determination (NOD)


Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Vegetation Management

Lead Agency

County of Marin / Marin County Fire Department
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